
Support Artspace

NSW Emerging Visual Arts Fellowship Opening, 2019, Artspace, Sydney. Photo: Bret East, Doqument

Donations to the Transformation Campaign help us build capacity across our expanded artistic program.

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Artspace is more than an exhibition space; we are an engine room for unexpected ideas. We are constantly developing innovative ways to generously support artists through new commissions, studio residencies, public programs, learning and outreach, and curatorial advocacy.

Please consider donating to the Transformation Campaign to help us build capacity across our expanded artistic program and directly enable artists to shape and expand the definitions of what art is, and what it can be.

Artspace welcomes support at any level. If you would like to make a donation by cash, cheque or EFT, or explore other ways to direct your support, please get in touch.

For further information, please contact Ali Hillman, Development Manager

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible and multi-year pledges are welcomed.